Proton Mint NFT Community
Proton Mint NFT Community

Proton Mint NFT Community

338 Üyeler

Join the Move-mint!
#nft #protonmint #xpr


Selling for $mint.

Minting shall be done on #neftyblocks

1:19 PM·Mar 14, 2023 ·çevirmek

Hello there, advice needed please, I'm new to all this and having a go at creating some nfts using very basic tools but I'm hoping sax audio will bring them to life. Ive offered to add sax to other peoples work but had no concrete response so Ive ploughed on. Is there an optimal reccomnended resize for an NFT' upload/ mint or is that down to the creators discretion? Then im assuming you make them all the same to create uniformity within a collection?

6:24 AM·Jul 03, 2022 ·çevirmek
ezze  @ezze  paylaştı  mesaj
2 yıl

Giveaway brought to you by members of the Proton Mint NFT community! Thank you everyone who has contributed, and good luck to all! ?⚛️?‍?

Marshall ℙ Hayner A bunch of Proton's top creators have come together to do a giant holiday give away of Proton NFTs, XPR, and Snipcoin. Would you consider sharing this to help support the community?

The giveaway is happening on twitter @crystalfrogsnft (:

Creators/community members who are a part of the giveaway:
Ryan Delaney mOshi Joxhua ezze Scott juthnft and more that aren't yet on Snips!

3:38 PM·Dec 09, 2021 ·çevirmek