
Cyber Puppies n Owners

Cyber Puppies n Owners

Who does not love puppies? Woof Woof!

The project consists of three A.I. NFTs collections, related to each other in terms of the connection of the NFTs and the reward program.

Cyber Puppies:
Soon Market link: https://soon.market/collections/312351145315

Cyber Puppies Owners:
Soon Market link: https://soon.market/collections/222442115222

Cyber Puppies Collectibles:
Soon Market link: https://soon.market/collections/414521151114

For more info regarding reward program etc, you can join our telegram or discord (links on frontpage).
( Author's snipverse n' proton account: chrisgrc )

Sum of all links:

Holders-Pairs-Rewards online Google Sheet:

  • Website: https://linktr.ee/ChrisKaramitso

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