If inflation is really starting to impact your lifestyle here's some tips
1. Change your lifestyle or increase income
2. Stop buying things that are not
necessities (toys, vacation, upgrades,
3. Buy inflation hedge assets (precious
metals, real estate, Bitcoin, businesses)
4. Cook things from scratch make it
homemade stop buying processed
Things that are bad for you anyway
5. Support local businesses small
businessess not franchises or
6. Make your vote count. It's not who
you like personally, go over the actual
policies and track record.
7. Live together as a family. Be a family
which in America, doesn't happen. As
soon as the child's old enough the first
thing they want to do is move out. Many
other cultures they all live together for
generations. Think about how prosperous
a family could be if they actually stuck
together and invested money and
bought assets.

8:26 AM·Apr 12, 2024 ·Översätt