Common mind games narcissists use to manipulate you



using denial, lying, misinformation, and contraction to make you doubt your sanity, memory, and perception.


criticizing others for things they do themselves as well.


Passive-aggressive way to remind someone of something bad they did in order to make them want to make up for it.

Silent treatment:

Ignoring messages, calls or questions to make you feel uncertain and to make you start doubting yourself.

Negative humor.

making critical remarks disguised as sarcasm or humor to make you feel inferior or less seucre.

Pretend ignorance:

Playing dumb in order to get away with behaviour or things.


designed to exploit someone's good will guilty conscience, protective and nurturing instinct in oder to benefit personally.

Constant criticism

Constantly marginalizing, ridiculing, and dismissing you to make you feel inferior and to make them feel superior.

Throwing a tantrum:

Raising their voice, using a lot of gestures and sometimes even physical abu whatever they want. Intimating and fear inducing behaviour.

6:19 PM·Apr 25, 2024 ·Menerjemahkan