Daemon., 🔥🔥🔥 His true power is a mystery, but Amado claims he's stronger than even Jigen! With limiters off, Daemon easily beat Code, and even overpowered Kawaki, who had all of Isshiki Otsutsuki's power! Daemon's also super fast and sneaky, catching Code by surprise. Plus, he's a skilled fighter, able to take down a grown man with one kick.
Here's the freaky part: Daemon's got Otsutsuki DNA that lets him bounce back any attack, even if he doesn't mean to! The catch? He has to be touching someone. It doesn't matter who's attacking, whoever Daemon's holding hands with gets blasted instead. Even just thinking about hurting him triggers this shield, and the stronger you want to hurt him, the harder the attack gets reflected. Eida, another crazy strong character, even thinks Daemon's the only non-Otsutsuki who could kill her! Plus, he doesn't have ability to fly. So, who wins in a fight – Daemon vs. grown-up Boruto and Kawaki? That's a battle for the future!🔥🔥🔥

3:39 AM·Apr 27, 2024 ·übersetzen