When this limousine first came out, it was the talk of the town. Those who owned it are seen like small god. They drove it majestically and no small car dared to overtake or mistakenly hit them. Now, look at one of the expensive car of it's time dirty and wasted away. May be the owner is alive or dead, nobody knows. If he is alive, if he still maintain his wealth till this day, I'm sure he's driving the lastest car who is even more expensive and luxurious than this old car. This is to tell you that nothing last forever.
1. In any position you find yourself, thread carefully cos you're not going to stay at the top forever.
2. If you're the most beautiful or most handsome in the town, thread carefully cos your beauty and handsomely will fade away when the old age arrived.
3. If it's wealth, thread carefully cos not all wealth last longer. Build humanity with your wealth so that humanity will take care of you when everything is gone.
4. If it's power, status or position, thread carefully cos you're going to vacate that sit of power, status or position either through death, sickness or expiration of tenure one day.
Lastly, don't write anybody off.
Don't look down on anybody.
Don't downgrade anybody.
Who you write off today might write you down tomorrow.
Who you look down on today might be the one you are going to look up to tommorow.
Who you downgrade today might be the one to upgrade you tommorow.
Live and let's others live too.