How can we simplify life's complexity?

The real challenge in life is to fulfil our basic needs like food, water, shelter and health. Anything more than that is a want, not a need. When desires are endless and satisfaction is lacking, life becomes a challenge.

For most of us, the complexities in our lives are self-created. We want to accumulate more and more, gather things we don't need, compare our lives to others, so we don't find happiness in what we have achieved. Even the mind has become a complex thought process where we think more negatively, find faults in other people and find flaws in everything.

To simplify your life, you need to differentiate your needs from desires, be satisfied with what you have achieved, find happiness in simple things, value the people in your life and think positively. Once you start living simply, you will realize how you can avoid many complexities of life.


8:35 AM·May 10, 2024 ·Traducciones