Sarcasm Meaning and Types
Sarcasm is an ironic or satirical remark tempered by humor. Mainly, people use it to say the opposite of what's true to make someone look or feel foolish. For example, let's say you see someone struggling to open a door and you ask them, "Do you want help?" If they reply by saying, "No thanks. I'm really enjoying the challenge," you'll know they're being sarcastic. Sarcasm is all about the context and tone of voice, which is why it works better verbally. It's something you'll know when you hear it.

Sarcastic jokes can also be used for comedic relief. For example, "I walked into my hotel room and wondered if the interior decorators thought orange was the new black." The main gist of sarcasm is that the words are not meant to be taken literally.

Different Types of Sarcasm
Sarcasm can come in all different types. Some are easier to catch on to than others.

self-deprecating - where you poke fun at yourself
deadpan - sarcasm given in serious tone (can be harder to pick up on)
brooding - saying the opposite of what you mean in an irritated tone
juvenile - obnoxious statements that might come across as annoying
Now that you know a bit more about sarcasm, let's walk through some examples of sarcasm for a better understanding.

Sarcasm Quotes From Everyday Life
Let's begin with everyday sarcastic meaning examples. Note the slight condescension in each. Again, sarcastic remarks aren't meant to be taken literally. However, they are driving a point home.


Sarcastic Remark

When something bad happens

That's just what I needed today!

When a husband comes home after a long day at work

I work 40 hours a week for me to be this poor.

When you expected something to happen, especially after warning someone about it

Well, what a surprise.

When a roommate is acting bizarre

Is it time for your medication or mine?

When someone says something that is very obvious

Really, Sherlock? No! You are clever.

When someone puts on too much perfume

Nice perfume. How long did you marinate in it?

When someone does something wrong

Very good; well done!


Sarcastic Quotes From Literature
Literature provides wonderfully crafted sarcastic retorts and jokes for readers to enjoy. An author might develop a character with a biting tongue. Perhaps they're very blunt in their delivery. At other times, they might be sarcastic to let the other characters sense their dismissive nature.

Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J. K. Rowling
In the first example, Harry Potter is definitely letting his uncle know he thinks very little of his level of intelligence.

"'What were you doing under our window, boy?'
'Listening to the news,' said Harry in a resigned voice.
His aunt and uncle exchanged looks of outrage.
'Listening to the news! Again?'
'Well, it changes every day, you see,' said Harry."

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