"Our aspirations are too often tainted by our greed, tarnished by the foolishness of our trifling agendas, leveraged by the rot of our biases, infected by adherence to the toxicity of politically-correct propaganda, and misappropriated by our desire for acclaim and acceptance. And the subsequent rot that gorges itself on such aberrant behaviors is veneered thick with lies that incessantly deny that any such rot exists or that it is being liberally fed. Prayer is the single force that has both the potency and capacity to transform our greed into grace, make sacrifice our agenda, bring bias to heel at the feet of a passion to bless, transform the corrosive constraints of politics into an unquenchable thirst to serve, and rest in the fact that if God accepts us no other acceptance is necessary. Prayer is the game-changer. The culture-changer. The life-changer. Make no mistake about it. It is the answer to the desperation of our times and the hope of a future."
-Craig D. Lounsbrough

3:20 PM·May 20, 2024 ·Translate