Snipverse nft ad demo- created and funded by users who pay for it as a twitter ad using nft sales. I planned and comissioned & bought this nft from Artificial Bean who i highly recomend working for to make your own custom 3d nft blender animations . Now my own profile will live forever in this nft, as it shall act as an ad spot. And an example of a hybrid promotional nft advertisement.
My account is now the poster child for the most professional advertisement for Snipverse
I shall launch this as an ad campaign.
This is a new era in user/fan generated and funded nfts as ad campaigns where users buy the nfts ro fund advertising and get their names in future ads
(future versions will have slower on screen action to more clearly see the account profile which will be an ad within an ad to promote individual snipverse profiles belonging to the users that pay for/comission the ad nft)
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Nancy Grace
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@zackzackzackin fact snipverse probly should have its proton anchor/webauth wallet logins and some metamask login features honestly with a gateway to convert snips to an erc20
alcor should also have that for a gateway teleport to pay to add any token to an erc20 and to pay to turn any erc20 Into an alcor capable token on eos proton telos or wax but will probly just start on eos and wax
now that is what alcor needs... a bridge to ethereum/bsc so we can import eth/bsc tokens through gateway we pay to setup for each token
and the bridge lets you export your alcor token to an erc20/bsc to list on uniswap/pancakd and alcor will become so much more popular overnight and teach all these ethereum people about at least one of the 4 eosio chains
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Pweety Ruby
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