If you aren’t paying attention to your dog’s body language you are missing out on a whole set of cues. 😱

1. Facial expressions
When a dog is happy, their eyes will appear relaxed, and their mouth will be open and slightly curved upward. Their ears will be in a neutral position. When fearful, a dog's eyes may appear wide, with the whites showing, and their ears will be pinned back against their head. In an aggressive state, a dog may have a hard stare, furrowed brow, and bared teeth.

2. Tail wagging
While tail wagging is often associated with happiness, it can also convey other emotions. The height, speed, and direction of the wag all provide clues about your dog's emotional state. A high wag may indicate arousal or aggression, while a low, slow wag may signal fear or submission. A loose, sweeping wag typically signifies a relaxed and content dog.

3. Posture
A confident dog will stand tall with their head and tail held high, displaying an assertive, self-assured demeanor. A fearful or submissive dog may crouch, lower their head, and tuck their tail between their legs, making themselves appear smaller and less threatening. An aggressive dog may stien their body, lean forward, and raise the fur along their back to appear larger and more intimidating.

9:09 PM·May 05, 2023 ·Translate