#proton #snipverse
Jade B
has fallen ill to the flu. Some say it's caused by a vengeful hex, A curse that can leave you feeling perplexed, Others believe it's the wrath of the gods, That can leave you feeling like you're against all odds.

She is struggling to break the curse's hold,
Her spirit is strong, but her body feels cold,
She's resting and healing, trying to regain her power, And break the curse that struck her, unannounced and dire, Leaving her feeling weak, her body under fire.

She seeks out answers, to lift the curse's veil, Exploring every option, without the slightest fail, From potions to spells, and ancient remedies, Her search is tireless, until the curse recedes.

May the universe send its best, And grant her body the much-needed rest, May she rise again, and take on the world, Her spirit unbroken, and her courage unfurled.

1:03 PM·May 07, 2023 ·번역하다