SNIPS can be on hive-engine and snipverse itself can be a hive dapp too. And TLOS WAX and even EOS and probably make millions off each chain. Even with all its problems, with a hive engine token as a moat to prevent downvotes, you could use SNIPS as a hive engine token and REMOVE the downvoting in the scotbot/SMT settings/ front end code, very easily, and make even downvoting on the back end do nothing as you can manually change in a config file basically, the weighted power of one downvote so you could make even downvoting all of someones hundreds of posts a week do almost nothing and remove such a low amount of rewards that it can be symbolic downvoting for scoring only but rewards can remain! And you can have the same attempt at fairness of Snipverse with your own seperate side chain system, on hive-engine or style side chain... eitehr way you can have something to stake and tip with very easily and the whole snipverse as an on chain front end with every action now being on chain could be an interesting idea, if you can import all of snipverse's features, or not just keep it the way it is, and itd be a VERY interesting way to just use hive accounts tips, MAYBE posts and comments but everything else, you can keep tehw ay it is a little more vertically off chain and faster more streamlined, it may be a better way to MAKE a hive dapp actually.

But you could gain millions of users when you combine hive and TLOS and EOS and WAX< so many peopel are waiting, and it may take a lot of promotions proton just isnt willing to pay for to get all of them to try proton. its REALLY hard to get someone to convert blockchain relgeons basically.

You have to really get them to get over the loathing one feels when they see a competitor blockchain. you need someone with a recognizable face over on the new platform, and we COULD pay some top hive tlos wax and eos influencers to come post on snipverse with me, we could get a lot of people to really have fun and give out tips, signup their friends, make it a big party like when any new chain or token rolls through ... maybe we should go BACK to the original and start promoting snipverse while that place has no real moderation anymore, and begin saturating it with snipverse promotions.

There are a lot of users to glean and we should have quotas to have at least 10,000 new users a month because 120,000 a year is low, we need to get more actually we NEED 100,000 a month! we need a million a year! We really do need to get to that critical mass so theers ALWAYS something interesting on snipverse. teher wont be many competitors like this for a while, and its a fragile thing to make a social media dapp, wehave to really get it turbo charged steroid training wheels if you knwo what i mean,

we have to accelerate the growth and give it that fertilizer and really push new signups somehow ... because i want that SNIPS price at $0.001 at LEAST with enough users USING snips everyday to make it worth checking and earning snips off of. I want people making comments leaving images and earning snips and knowing its worth making a few bucks a day in crypto to post something on snipverse everyday.

11:54 PM·May 11, 2023 ·번역하다