Hello Freeos Fam & Proton Army. Here's what we included as part of our Grant proposal for OpenAI's call to help shape the future of AI governance.

We saw a pathway that leveraged what we built for both Freeos and the DAOScape, and included features that we already had on the roadmap—sorition and fractal democracy.

Please take a read, and feel free to share, as it brings improved awareness to this issue, and the call for improved democratic solutions that blockchain has strong potential to bring around the globe.


Implementing a Sortition-based DAO for AI Governance | by J. Kelsey | FreeDAO | Jun, 2023 | Medium

Implementing a Sortition-based DAO for AI Governance | by J. Kelsey | FreeDAO | Jun, 2023 | Medium

OpenAI’s called for innovators worldwide to apply to their grant program—an exciting opportunity to shape the future of AI governance. The program’s vision aligns perfectly with the principles that…