Many individuals enter in crypto to find a solution to their miseries.

The very first thought is that "I will be rich soon" without realizing that crypto is also the fastest way "to get poor".

99% crypto in this space operate like a company that has a:

* Founder
* Employees
* BD Team
* VC invested in it
* Competition
* Product life cycle
* A share (token) to be issued to public

The biggest advantage these companies find in crypto is that get a market (equivalent to stock exchange) from day-1.

These crypto markets (stock exchange) list them without doing a due diligence. The standard they follow are of their own.

Influencers are like TV AD for these companies.

99% people who enter this space believe everything to be same like (Bitcoin, Doge, Pepe, L1s, L2s) and they fill their bag with garbage.

63% crypto investors in India hold more Altcoins then Bitcoin. You know why? [pls comment

6:15 AM·Jun 25, 2023 ·çevirmek