I've been actively seeking truth since 2004.I am an awakened lightworker.
I only got into crypto/XRP through the truth community 3 months ago.
It took me a month to work out XRP and all the related iso 20022 tokens was a psyop,I know now to be called a pump and dump scam.
I found Craig S Wright interview I posted below the day I found it.
It took a fellow Aussie to call out multiple liars,actors,paid shills and all round scumbags.
And for this I praise you my good man!
Craig,you are a genius and a genuine great guy that has been surrounded by complete assholes and pieces of shit in the world of crypto.
U mate,SHINE above and beyond any of these scumbags, it's too bad the majority of people are too fucking stupid to see XRP for the scam that it is but people are still as easy to fool today as they have always been.
It's ashame you have to spend so much time correcting the massive amount of disinformation that has been purposely put out there for the masses but for this I applaud you! 🙏

1:13 AM·Oct 05, 2023 ·Traducciones