"My countrymen, I am wholeheartedly thankful to you today for proving that change isn't coming but it has ALREADY COME!" ~ Imran Khan
Sana Talal
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"My countrymen, I am wholeheartedly thankful to you today for proving that change isn't coming but it has ALREADY COME!" ~ Imran Khan
"India is using troops in Kashmir. They are losing the battle of heart and minds. It's like treating cancer with dispirin." ~ Imran Khan
"What most people didn't realize in the Western countries is that here its not a question of having supporters, its a question of getting these votes to the polling stations." ~ Imran Khan
"We are not going to succeed because Taliban are masters of guerrilla warfare" ~ Imran Khan
"I am called an Islamic fundamentalist by Rushdie. My critics in Pakistan say I am a Zionist agent. I must be doing something right." ~ Imran Khan